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The Meaning and The Function of Speaking Ability.

Speaking ability consists of two words are speaking and ability. To avoid misunderstanding about the meaning of speaking ability, it will clarify one by one. According to Poerwadarminta (1985, p. 109). It is also stated by Hornby (1990, p. 51) that ability’s potential capacity of power to do something physically or mentally. Those description may concluded that ability is capability of human which identical with ability. According to Djiwandono (in Munir, 2005, p. 16) speaking is the activity to express thought and feeling orally.

Speaking is an articulation of sound to express thought. Tarigan (1990, p.15), says that speaking is the capability in pronouncing sound or word to express or convey though, idea or feeling” opinion and wish. Another expert says that speaking is talk or speaks (Haryanto in Sunardi, 2004, p. 13). If both speaking and ability are combined, so it means a capability to utter the articulation of sound to express or to deliver thought, opinion and wish to the other person.

Brown and Yule in Fauzi (2012, p. 4) also describe a useful distinction between two basic language function. These are the transactional function, which is primarily concerned with the transfer of information, and the interactional function, in which the primary purpose of speech is the maintenance of social relationship. 

Another basic distinction when considering the development of speaking ability is between monologue and dialogue. They ability to give an uninterrupted oral presentation is very clear from interacting one people and another speakers for transactional and intersectional purpose, while, all native speakers can and do use language interaction, not all native speaker have the ability to be extempore on a given subject to group of listeners. Furthermore, Brown and Yule in Fauzi (2012, p. 4) suggest that most language teaching is concerned with developing skills in short intersectional exchanges in which the learner is only required to make one or two utterance at a time.

Based on the above statement, Bygate in Fauzi (2012, p. 5) distinguishes that “between motor-perceptive skill, which are concerned with correctly using the sound and structures of language, and interactional skill, which involves motor perceptive skill for the purpose of communication” motor perceptive skill are developed in the language classroom through activities such as model dialogues, patterns practice, oral drills and so on, until relatively recently, it was assumed that the mastery of motor perceptive skill was that needed all one, in order to communicated successfully.

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