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The Aspect of Speaking Ability

Darmodihardjo in Fauzi (2012, p. 7) states about the aspects of speaking that is “the requirements of effective speaking such as: intonation, phonetic transcription and environment expression”

The opinion above describes that, to able communicate effectively, it must be considered that situation of sound utterance, pronunciation and physical. On the other hand, Valetto in Fauzi (2012, p. 7) says that “The elements which are in speaking cover phonetic transcription, grammar, vocabulary, the effective and speaking”

Meanwhile, Haris in Fauzi (2012, p. 7) clarifies as follows:
“Like writing speaking is complex skill requiring the simultaneous use of number of the different abilities which often developed of different rates either four of five components are generally recognized in analyze of the speak process: (a) pronunciation concluding the segmental features vowel, and consonants, vocabulary, stress and intonation pattern the flow speech, (b) grammar, (c) vocabulary, (d) fluency (the case and speed of the flow speech). The solve probably be added, (e) comprehension for oral communication certainly requires a subject the response to speak as well as imitation."

Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that the aspects of the speaking ability in this research are: (a) pronunciation competence, (b) grammatical ability, (c) vocabulary mastery, (d) the fluently of speaking, and (e) the understanding of the topic of speaking.

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