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Ethical Education of Teacher and Quality Teacher

The succeed of education process is overchanging by the quality of the techers. In general, the quality teacher must have ability to deliver ethical education toward the student. 

Talking about ethical education always correlated with moral value in school community between teacher, students, principal and all school’s staffs. Ethical education of teacher must have moral sensibility such as Boon (2011:78) stated that in Burant (2007;408) 

"....convinced that our attention teacher education must shift considerably to the formation not only of knowledge and skills but also of the moral sensibility that underlies them. The moral nature of teaching cannot be conflated with the knowledge and skills important for teaching; neither can it be neatly separated from them. As we have known throughout the ages yet also frequently ignore, the moral is always in play in classrooms in teachers' actions, whether intentionally or not, and the complexity of the classroom environment--its immediacy and ever-changing activities--makes demands on teachers that reveal their orientation to their work in a myriad of daily acts.‖ "

That explanation reflects that ethical education is important which has context with behavioral activity. If the teachePrs can apply moral value in their daily activities in terms of knowledge and skills, the classroom activities will be more condussive and students can follow the lead from teacher beahviour in classroom evenmore in school community. 

As we know that in our school community often seen that teachers have no moral sensitivity. Some of them ignored moral values and gave bad behaviour that can be influence towards students views. Ethical building is no matter about the theory and speech only but it needs action as a model of virtues for the students. The moral virtues could be shown by some good traits. In website of charactercount explained that there are Six Pillars of Characters, they are: trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship 

In the council for the teaching profession in Malta (2012:15) stated that as professionals, teachers are constantly engage with the principles outlined in a critical manner, taking into account the educational value of the particular relationships with persons within particular teaching and learning situations and processes. here also explained about six principles that become teachers’ capability regarding to the ethics code in teaching, they are: 
1. Maintain trust in the profession. 
2. Maintain professional relationship with students. 
3. Respect the uniqueness and diversity of students. 
4. Work in collaborative manner with collegues and parents, guardians and career. 
5. Act with honesty and integrity. 
6. Keep their professional knowledge and prctice up to date. 

Understanding those six principals, teacher should be trained in order to get better personality which consist of moral value and ethics code. In fact, in our educational system especially teacher as a role model often ignore etchical education in school communitty. It must be secured in phases to get the point of best moral value attainment .

Quality Teacher 
The main foundation of students’ attainment is quality of the teacher. Teacher quality have many aspects in need to teach and learn the students’ in school community. According to Rice (2003) aspects are: Teachers’ experience, teacher preparation programs and degree, teacher sertification, teacher course work and teachers’ own test score. In detail Rice (2003:V) explained that: 

"greater clarity on the empirical evidence can inform the wisdom of current practice, guide state efforts as they struggle with No Child Left Behind compliance regarding teacher quality, and provide direction for future teacher policy decisions. For example, developing an approach to policy that values different and multiple teacher characteristics based on the research evidence may prove promising. It is important to note that many personal characteristics important for a good teacher are not measured in the studies reviewed. The focus is on aspects of teacher background that can be translated into policy recommendations and incorporated into teaching practice. "

Furthermore Rice (2003:1) stated that education is the compilation and product of many and varied resources. Among these, teachers stand out as a key to realizing the high standards that are increasingly emphasized in schools and school systems across the country. In this case needs the role of policy maker and publics to make deal in making the characteristics of good teacher. The characteristics of good teacher has the close relevancy with quality teacher and its professionalism in teaching. According to Edi (2010:3), professional teacher is a teacher who has skills ability, responsibility and collague consideration which is supported by strong professional ethics. Meanwhile H.A.R Tilaar (1999:205) in Edi (2010:3) stated some ideas about professional teacher profile in 21 century are as follows: 
1. Mature and developing personality. 
2. Mastering knowledge and technology. 
3. Mastering skills to raise students’ interest and potential. 
4. Preofession developing in continuity.

Accordance to those four ideas, Supriadi (1999:98) in Edi (2010:3) quoted from Journal Education Leadership that there are five things should be gained to be professional teacher, they are: 
1. Having commitment to the students and the learning process. 
2. Mastering the subjects deeply. 
3. Responsible to observe students’ outcome throigh many evaluation techniques. 
4. Able to have systematic thinking about what they have done and learning from experiences. 
5. Become the parts of society who learn in the professional environment. 

In this case, theacher should have effective personality to be professional teacher. Effective personality is te personality which has competence in mastering sunjects, quality, process, adjusment 

In addition, in Indonesia Law Number 14, 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers Law (UUGD) stated that teachers are required to have academic qualifications , competence , teaching certificate , physically and mentally healthy , and have the ability to achieve national education goals . Related to the competence , a teachers must have pedagogical competence , personal competence , social competence, and professional competence acquired through professional education (Article10, 1st Paragraph).

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