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Defenition of Learning

Basically, learning is a change. It is a process to interact with surroundings. So, it makes individual can change whether they become better or worse based on the certain destination. Howard L. Kingskey in Nining (2013:5) stated that “learning is the process by which behaviour (in the broader sense) is originated or changed through practice or training”. In addition, Cronbach in Nining (2013:5) stated that “learning is shown by change in behaviour as a result of experience”. Based on the explanations above, there is a change in learning. It is about learning for formation of personality and behaviour based on the experience in order to give benefit for surrounding people.

Learning Achievement 

It is important to know what learning achievement is. Commonly, learning achievement is about how success the learner can master the materials of the learning object. Although the definition learning achievement would be argued by different views of scholars, most scholars support the notion of Chien (1987) "learning achievement is the acquisition of knowledge or skills that are developed by subject matter, usually indicated by test scores or numerical value is assigned by teachers". In conclusion, learning achievement is target measured by competences of the learner in learning which are shown by score as a sign and score is not a final expectation. So, learning achievement is the level of student success in learning the subject matter in schools that are expressed in the form of scores obtained from the results of tests on a particular subject matter.

Winkel in Paramita (2008) clarifies by comparing such thing as meaningful of achievement between capability and performance, and said: Learning achievement is an internal capability that to be student’s achievement and may be the students doing something or giving some performance. 

The statement mean that someone having possessed result of learning of achievement which will become the result change if himself (internal capability) must also be able to share his knowledge to the other one.

Furthermore, the students were suggested by Bloom that the process of learning will change in student behaviour through proposing three aspects (domains), namely cognitive domain, affective domain, physcomotoric domain. We can also says that learning a certain subject matter at school which are presented in numerical forms and obtained by measurement in evaluation programmer.

Therefore, the teacher’s role in the student’s achievement is very directing. The teacher task is how to support students for having changed as many as possible. In addition, the teacher must know about something that may influence students in learning and teaching process.

For that reason, to know the students’ learning achievement, especially English learning achievement, we have to do the evaluation test in accordance to the material and time span of learning if the students’ understanding towards English material taught by the teacher is good, the test value or the result of students’ evaluation test will also be good.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher conclude that learning achievement of the students is the result of the learning process reached by one that has done learning activity that is determined by the value or their response, after doing the exams or test. The result at learning achievement can be seen through his or her performance, capability of proficiency in language through their skill.

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