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Concept of Vocabulary

Many language experts has set out about the concept of vocabulary. Katler (1989:313) stated that vocabulary is the ability to recognize individual of letter that form a word. In addition, Ur (1996) defines that vocabulary is as the word we teach in a foreign language. However, a new item of vocabulary may be more than a single word. Webster in Third New International Dictionary stated that vocabulary is a list of words and phrase usually alphabetically arranged and explained or defined.

Another concept of vocabulary stated by Simpson et all (1989:721) states that vocabulary is a collective words brief explanation of their meaning. While, Good (1979:642) gives two definitions of vocabulary, they are: (1) vocabulary is the content and function word l language, which are learned so thoroughly that they become a part of child’s understanding, speaking and after reading, and writing vocabulary, (2) vocabulary is the word having meaning when learned or seen even though not produced by individual himself to communicate with others.

From the above definition, the teacher may conclude that vocabulary is the words that have meaning which is not isolated or the meaning of words depend on context of the words exist in a context and the people who owned vocabulary will be used to understanding text either written or oral text.

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