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Overview of Aspects of Spirituality

Spirituality is the belief in conjunction with the Almighty. For example, people who believe in God as Creator or as omnipotent. According to Burkhardt (1993), spirituality includes the following aspects:
1. Dealing with the unknown or uncertainty in life.
2. Finding the meaning of life and a destination.
3. Recognizing the ability to use the resources and strength in yourself.
4. Having a feeling of attachment to the self and to the Most High.

Religion is an indication of behavior because there is good teaching in the religion and the prohibition that can impact on the lives and health of a person. For example, a sick person can gain strength by surrender or pleading for help from Allah, (Hamid A.Y., 2000: 2-3).

Spiritual development of a person according to Westerhoff's divided into four tiers based on age categories, namely:
  1. The age of children, the developmental stage of confidence based on experience. Behavior is obtained, among others, the experience of interacting with other people with convictions or beliefs held. At this time, the child does not have understanding of right or wrong. Confidence or belief that there was at this time may only follow the rituals or imitate other oranng, like praying before going to sleep, eat, and others. In preschool, religious activities that do not meaningful in itself, spiritual development began to imitate the religious activities of people around him, in this case the family, the meaning of the prayers, the search for answers about religious activities.
  2. Age late teens, is the stage of gathering confidence marked by active participation in religious activities. Experience and awe to make them more ownership and would mean conviction. Spiritual development in this period has started on a desire for attainment of spiritual needs such as the desire by request or pray to the creator, which means it is starting to need help through faith or belief. When the fulfillment of spiritual needs are not met, there will be disappointment.
  3. Age early adulthood, is the search for self-confidence, begins with the statement of the confidence or trust that is associated cognitively as proper form to believe it. At this time, the thought has been rational. Any questions about the trust should be answerable. Rationally. At this time, there is a sense of trust will award.
  4. The mid-adult age, the level of self-confidence, this development begins with the strong growing confidence is maintained even in the face of differences in beliefs and understand others will trust him (Asmadi, 2008: 1-2).

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