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Characteristics of Culture

Culture is a track record that has values ​​and describing the behavior and attitudes in sustaining life. Culture can be customs, religion, culture and language arts. In Indonesia, which consists of various tribes gave birth to various kinds of cultures different from one region to another, from one social community with other social communities. But in general, the culture can be grouped into two regional culture and national culture

Regional culture is the culture that grew and developed in an area that is regional. The characteristics of the regional culture, among others:
  1. has distinctive properties of certain regions
  2. have distinctive customs
  3. Has elements of indigenous and traditional cultures.
  4. Embraced by residents of the area.
  5. Their languages ​​and arts area.
  6. The existence of an element of trust.
  7. The existence of heritage

While the national culture is a culture which is national and is owned by the people. The characteristics of the national culture:
  1. Contains elements of local culture that are recognized nationally.
  2. Reflecting the noble values ​​and personality of the nation.
  3. Is the pride of the entire people of Indonesia.
  4. Contains elements that unite the nation.

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